quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011

A synthetic homing endonuclease-based gene drive system in the human malaria mosquito

Published online
Genetic methods of manipulating or eradicating disease vector populations have long been discussed as an attractive alternative to existing control measures because of their potential advantages in terms of effectiveness and species specificity123. The development of genetically engineered malaria-resistant mosquitoes has shown, as a proof of principle, the possibility of targeting the mosquito’s ability to serve as a disease vector4567. The translation of these achievements into control measures requires an effective technology to spread a genetic modification from laboratory mosquitoes to field populations8. We have suggested previously that homing endonuclease genes (HEGs), a class of simple selfish genetic elements, could be exploited for this purpose9. Here we demonstrate that a synthetic genetic element, consisting of mosquito regulatory regions10 and the homing endonuclease gene I-SceI111213, can substantially increase its transmission to the progeny in transgenic mosquitoes of the human malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. We show that the I-SceIelement is able to invade receptive mosquito cage populations rapidly, validating mathematical models for the transmission dynamics of HEGs. Molecular analyses confirm that expression of I-SceI in the male germline induces high rates of site-specific chromosomal cleavage and gene conversion, which results in the gain of the I-SceI gene, and underlies the observed genetic drive. These findings demonstrate a new mechanism by which genetic control measures can be implemented. Our results also show in principle how sequence-specific genetic drive elements like HEGs could be used to take the step from the genetic engineering of individuals to the genetic engineering of populations.

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Author information

  1. These authors contributed equally to this work.

    • Austin Burt & 
    • Andrea Crisanti


  1. Imperial College London, Department of Life Sciences, South Kensington Campus, London, SW7 2AZ, UK

    • Nikolai Windbichler,
    • Miriam Menichelli,
    • Philippos Aris Papathanos,
    • Austin Burt &
    • Andrea Crisanti
  2. Department of Biochemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA

    • Summer B. Thyme &
    • David Baker
  3. Graduate Program in Biomolecular Structure and Design, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA

    • Summer B. Thyme &
    • David Baker
  4. Department of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA

    • Hui Li,
    • Umut Y. Ulge &
    • Raymond J. Monnat
  5. Graduate Program in Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA

    • Umut Y. Ulge &
    • Raymond J. Monnat
  6. Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA

    • Blake T. Hovde &
    • Raymond J. Monnat
  7. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA

    • David Baker
  8. Imperial College London, Department of Life Sciences, Silwood Park Campus, Ascot, SL5 7PY, UK

    • Austin Burt
  9. Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Perugia, Via Del Giochetto, 06122 Perugia, Italy

    • Andrea Crisanti


N.W. designed the experiments. N.W., M.M. and P.A.P. performed the experiments. N.W. and P.A.P. generated the transgenic lines. M.M. maintained mosquito populations. N.W. analysed the data. A.B. and N.W. generated the population dynamic models. A.C. and A.B. inspired the work and wrote the paper together with N.W. HEG redesign and target site cleavage analyses were performed by S.B.T., H.L., U.Y.U. (contributed equally) and B.T.H. with guidance from D.B. and R.J.M. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Competing financial interests

The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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The plasmids pHome-T and pHome-D have been deposited to GenBank under the accession numbersHQ159398 and HQ159399.

Supplementary information

PDF files

  1. Supplementary Information (2.1M)
    This file contains Supplementary Figures 1-6 with legends and Supplementary Table 1.

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