PhDMedical Engineering and Medical Physics (MEMP)The Medical Engineering and Medical Physics program is a five to seven year program that leads to the PhD in Medical Engineering and Medical Physics awarded by MIT or by the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. The program trains students as engineers or physical scientists who also have extensive knowledge of the medical sciences. Students gain this unique blend of expertise through an environment that integrates:
Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics (MEMP/BIG)Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics (BIG) is a specialized training program within MEMP that leads to a PhD awarded by MIT or by the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. The MEMP/BIG program includes four essential elements:
Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology (SHBT)HST's Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology (SHBT) program is a five to seven year program that leads to a PhD awarded by MIT. The program prepares students to conduct rigorous quantitative research by teaching students the fundamental physics and biology of the speech and hearing mechanisms. Research foci range from the basic mechanisms responsible for normal function to the development of methods of diagnosis and treatment relevant to communication disorders. |
Aqui você encontra: Cultura, Educação, Artigos Científicos e sugestões para o seu estudo. O que irá diferenciar está revista eletrônica, ter, em um futuro breve, seus artigos em áudio, lidos pelos autores e/ou por programas e projetos de extensão como: 'Biblioteca Falada' - A UNESP/ FAAC, faz adaptação de textos e vídeos para áudios. Permitindo assim que DISLÉXICOS e DEFICIENTES VISUAIS tenham acesso ao conhecimento proposto. José Robson de Almeida.
sábado, 16 de abril de 2011
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